Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thirty eight.

My heart aches.

It aches and it aches.  I feels heavy and overcast.

Coming home has been nice, do not get me wrong.  It's lovely to see family and friends, it's nice to have hot showers and western food.  But at the same time, so much of me wishes to be back in Cambodia.  And I don't know what to do.  I don't know how to deal with this, when I want to be here and I want to be there.  I feel really awful, like I'm not appreciating being home, not appreciating the good experience, not appreciating the moment I'm in.  I wish this wasn't so.  

It's just such a strange feeling to feel so drawn to two different places on the opposite sides of the world.


Bri said...

I feel your pain. I understand you sistahh.

My heart is on the same boat, and I'm not talking about a ferry on a river where 10 year old boys play naked infront of all....


"I love naked little boys."
- author unknown....