Friday, May 9, 2008

Cambodia - Part 3

Well it has been one working week that I've been in this country now.

There's so much to say and never much time to say it. I shall share the highlights. If you want to see pictures, please look at my facebook album, because I'm having a hard tiem uploading them onto here. The nets a little slow you know.

+ Brianna is pretty much my hero. God is doing good things in her and through her, and it's pretty beautiful to see.

+ Driving here is insane, and hilarious. But now that I've been here a few days, it doesn't seem so scary.

+ All the girls I've met in Cambodia are just charming. They are so sweet and delightful.

+ Jonah, Brianna's "boss" (the pastor here at the school) is trying to set us up with people. At first I thought it was a joke, but then i realized he's kind of serious. Akward...

+ It's hot here all the time.

+ Apparently it's not really common for girls (or guys I think too) to burst out into laughter. Well if you can imagine, it's kind of hard for me to be culturally approp with that one, so you will often have people staring at brianna and i as we drive around on her moto laughing our heads off at something random.

+ Brianna and I had a spontaneous dance part to the backstreet boys in her room the other day. It was a fantastic time.

+ Um.. i might go to vietnam for a few days. YEEEHAWWW!

That's all for now I think. We have internet all weekend so i'll post some good stories when I'm able to think of them.


kerri said...

"Apparently it's not really common for girls (or guys I think too) to burst out into laughter. Well if you can imagine, it's kind of hard for me to be culturally approp with that one"

I think I would have the exact same issue!

ashli rose said...

oh i miss you. and i missed your phone call, but i was listening to it in Applebee's with Amber, Ryan, Brent, Sarah, Paul, Nick and Sharon, and i yellped when i heard it was you. Of course, Amber didn't know where you were (as in Cambodia) so the confusion was a little funny. I miss you miss you miss you.