Wednesday, May 26, 2010

put your hand to your forehead and let your knees buckle.

i think that perhaps i should stop looking at Green Wedding Shoes and Oncewed because i'm finding that i'm feeling a little bit of paranoia about how my wedding will look. these weddings look so incredible, and while i have a lot of ideas, a lot of small details that will be going into it, sometimes i wonder what it'll all look like together, and if it's actually going to be truly hideous...

and downward spins my thought process. the thing is, rationally, i know that while these weddings probably all look incredible, a huge amount of credit goes to the photographers who make it look extra amazing and bring out the little details. therefore, my wedding may look just like one of those, but because of my photographer (and cousin).

it will be okay!

that said, here are some of the different elements going into it, in photo form:

paper rosettes:

mason jar centerpieces (some will have flowers):

handmade triangle lanterns with our names on them:
i made felted bird cake toppers. these are not them. mine look... not as perfect. but i like them!
hand fan favors:

our guest book will be a scrapbook of pictures, people will pose in frames and sign beside where their picture will go. we have two big gold frames.

and so on. i feel better.

Friday, May 21, 2010

then spring became summer.

Greg Attonito from the Bouncing Souls and his wife wrote a children's book together and I need to own it. I will read it to my kids one day and they will be the coolest kids in the world. Primarily because they're mine, but secondarily because they're reading this book.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

one thing that i adore.

our apartment will be officially furnished after today!

54 days until my wedding!

i am excited about things!

life is busy busy, as usual. work has been quite busy, and we have stepped up our wedding activities recently. we would like to get almost everything out of the way in may, so that june isn't very stressful. i hope we can accomplish this.

new apartmenting is the best. it's so fun to pick where things go in your kitchen, to put plants in your windowsill, and to plan our where things will go! it's nice to cook food together, to shop together. i can't wait until i live there for real!

in other news, i had a really bad dream last night and woke up sobbing, and was scared i'd wake my roommate jill up. it felt awful. a dear dear friend was dying and i couldn't do anything.

but back to happy, WEDDING!!! FURNITURE!!! WAAAHOOOO!

Monday, May 3, 2010


i am quite pleased with this weekend. while i am now sitting here quite exhausted, that is okay. because it was fun, exciting, and memorable.

saturday was moving day. andrew and i, with the help of our friend garry, my dad, and my sister & brother in law, moved all of his things from meadowood, to our new apartment just off corydon! it was marvelous. the help was just fantastic.

i got to set up our kitchen. it was so strange, deciding where things were going and knowing that it was just andrew and i who had to be happy with how it all went. that felt super.

saturday evening, though we were exhausted, we went to the social of a delightful couple. we planned on only being there for an hour, but ended up there much later (and me later still than andrew). the fruits of our staying awake labor? WE WON A FANTASTIC COFFEE MAKER AND A WII!!!!!!! Oh my goodness.

so then sunday, naturally, andrew and i played wii before church. his parents came to meet us, and then we worked hard to organize the apartment. the difference was like night and day. there were half emptied boxes all over and stuff everywhere in the morning. by the afternoon, it was all cleared up, and anything waiting to be unpacked was stacked neatly.



now we are at the stage where we have gotten past the move, and now are looking at how much stuff we have left to do. monthly plans aren't going to hack it anymore, we now have weekly ones. this week is a really really busy one. i am hoping that next week will not be as much, so that i might be able to see some lovely friends.

i am very happy right now. super tired, but very happy. "our place" is a very lovely phrase to my ears right now, and i'm so excited for the months to come!