Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Forty One.

After reading a book called "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", I've taken to titling certain life moments as "infinite".  

I can't even remember if, in accordance with the book, I'm using the word correctly.  But to me it's come to mean moments when I just feel invincible or limitless or overwhelmed with goodness.


Today, for some reason that is not fully known, I feel infinite.

Specifically when I:
-sing a long to old bouncing souls songs in the car
-realize how content I feel
-walk home with a tune in the headphones whose beat i can match with my steps
-think of God's overwhelming grace
-smile at the sun

Monday, June 16, 2008


Summer's here, summer's here.

It's amazing how excited I was for summer before it arrived, but now that it's here I almost feel dazed.  Prior to the warm weather, in that last stretch of winter, I was day dreaming of summer fun, making lists of things to accomplish and look forward to.  Cambodia definitely changed my view a bit, as in gave me many other things to think about.  In a good way.  But it is as if summer has come up so quickly that I feel as though I'm still in the pre-stage when in reality I am all in, and wasting some of it thinking otherwise!

But all the same, the fact is that summer has arrived.  It will be good to me I think.  It's amazing 
how different this summer is from the last.  How quickly things change!  This summer finds me more grown up, more independent, single (and content with that title), and more hopeful for the future than ever.  And as of today, burnt (as you can see from the picture).

I want to write something captivating or hilarious for you.  Right now I'm fresh out of both, so I'll wrap up now.  Maybe next time, stay.. tuned?

CORRECTION: (added one day later)
For captivating and hilarious, see below.

So Italy is in the Euro Cup apparently.  Although I'm not really following, it was easy enough to figure out, as by 4 o'clock the corner of Bar Italia on Corydon was filled with Italians screaming 
and flag waving at traffic.  Joelle and I had to pass by them, and it was pretty ackward trying to 
get through the crowd.

All around us were people shouting "Go Italy" and various other pro-Italy cries, until suddenly as we walked through, these cries changed to: "CLEANING LAAADIESSSS!!!" (for those of you who don't know, Joelle and I work outside cleaning, therefore one could deduce that they are shouting about... us).  

I was pretty mortified.  Afterwards I found it in me to laugh my head off about it, and about how red my face got when the whole crowd was shouting a unified chorus of "cleaning ladies".  


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thirty nine.

First, some of the nice things about being home. Well, aside from the novelties of hot showers and soft beds, I'm definitely enjoying some quality friend time. I'm really blessed in that department, that's for sure. This picture is from a mashmallow catching game Luke created. Good times...

I've also been able to talk with Brianna TWICE on the phone, which rules. It took a while to figure out how to call a Cambodian cell phone, but in the end I won.

I'm working, which means I'll be able to pay off my bills and start
saving for school again. Delightful. I actually think I'll be graduating from my first degree debt free. That's something I'm pretty proud of, I won't lie.

I'm pretty happy for the most part. I really feel like Cambodia was one of those rare moments we have in life when we realize we were in the right place at exactly the right time. But coming home from that is a bit hard. While I don't feel like I'm in the wrong place, I don't feel that same certainty and it's unnerving.

I'm also gaining weight quickly. While it's not the end of the world, it's frustrating me. I can see it and I need to do something (healthy, just for the record) about it.

Complain complain complain. Game plan: get over self, do something about it by exercising and eating well balanced meals, and continue to get over self. Complaining section over, sorry.

God is good.
I thought about all the amazing things He's done for me in the last little while, and it's beautiful. God has brought me to a new place in life. Other than my minor issues, in general I can honestly say that I'm finding contentment in where he's placed me. And that's a delightful thing.