Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cambodia (Vietnam) - Part 11.

Brianna and I are getting dresses made!!!!!! I'm so excited. I hope it turns out well. But there is a tailor across the street from our guest house and we went in yesterday to scope it out. Our dresses will be made just for us the way we want it and only cost like 30$. AND the lady who measured us up and stuff is just delightful. I'm super pumped.

Ho Chi Minh City is no Sihannoukville. It's much more like Phnom Penh, busy, dirty, and loud. We did have some fun today though, as we were able to get to the zoo (after majorly touristing it up with a map check at every corner...), and the war remnants museum. When I think about Vietnam's war history as well as Cambodias, sometimes I just get overwhelmed at what we as humans are capable of doing to one another... So sad.

Tonight is girly movie night. We're going to rent a dvd player and some films, and eat crappy food. I felt kind of sick today at the museum, so we're going to keep it a little low key for now. Maybe a touch of sun stroke? Who knows. Tomorrow is another day here, Saturday we leave for Phnom Penh, and then Monday I start for home. Wow. I... just feel like time is going by so quickly.


Jessica said...

sounds like fun! can't wait to see the dress. if you need any more places to go check out the lonely planet web site.
i'm just subbing for dad right now (well, in 50 minutes, i'm here early) so to use your phrase, 'no big deal'! see you soon.
love jess

Dana said...

I think that's the coolest thing I've ever ever heard...getting a dress made! In Vietnam! Awesome.

You know, even though I have missed you every minute you've been gone, it really does seem like time is flying by! I can't believe you come home soon! I can't wait to hear the stories!

Bri said...

Umm, wanna stay for a little longer?? Time IS going by too quckly...