Thursday, April 7, 2011

sewing project the first.

andrew's mom gave me a sewing machine
(the kind that's attached to a table).
this gift was met with much excitement and magical plans.

fast forward many months.

i have not done a single thing on with the sewing machine.
but you can only put off magic plans for so long.

so i bought a pattern.
and i also bought some awesome mustardy yellow/gold fabric.

while it resides on my head in this photo,
it will really become a skirt, i swear.
the same as the one the girl is wearing.
minus ugly fabric, plus awesome fabric.

i'm starting this today!

Monday, April 4, 2011

i can hear you now.

does anyone else ever think about how many things we must miss because we will never know what someone is truly thinking or feeling in any given moment? let me be the first to say that this is probably a good thing most of the time - our snap judgments and emotions are not often to the benefit of those around us. but perhaps many things would make more sense if we were able to know a deeper truth than we're allowed to see.