Sunday, July 27, 2008

Forty four.

I am?

- a knitter of yellow mittens.  specifically: good. yellow. mittens.
- a bit braver than i realized.  
- a laugher.  i can't stop it.  i laugh when i'm: embarassed, happy, frustrated, sad... you name it.
- a blusher.  i blush.  pretty easily.
- a lover of swing sets.  it's kind of like flying.
- a bit too prideful sometimes.
- a believer.
- a bit ticklish.
- a bit confused sometimes.  most times.
- a work in progress.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Forty three.

i've made a good dent in my summer list thus far.

-sitting on cars and looking at stars
-camping with friends
-fishing. so pumped.
-working with joelle, naturally.
-wearing dresses just because.  it's a goal.
-taking pictures
-ice cream
-road trip to ontario
-bare feet every now and then
-bathing suits and swimming fun in lakes
-walking on a beach at night barefoot with rolled up jeans and a hoodie.  one of my favorite things to do.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Forty Two.

It has been a while.

Summer is grand, I am very pleased with how it is turning out.  I feel really happy and full of life, which is a simply marvelous feeling.  I hope there are more beach days and maybe some camping involved in the future.  We'll see.

I went to Ontario to visit family.  Four days of driving, five days of 
visiting.  It was so wonderful to visit with my grandpa.  It was also nice to see a bunch of my family, all of whom I have not seen in two years.  It was a draining trip however, and I found myself breathing a large sigh of relief once I had returned home to my own bed, my own space, and my dearest friends.

I have been thinking a lot lately, about what it is to show love as a Christian.  About what it is to be a Christ follower.  About what I expect of myself, what I hope for others.  I am reminded constantly, that it's all about love.  Loving God, and loving those around us.  I am so down with that.

Life is good.