Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cambodia - Part 10.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Am I really here? Apparently. So many things in this trip have been so surreal, it's hard to truly convince myself that I'm sitting where I am. Oh boy.

It's been a packed couple of days. Monday morning I said my tearful goodbyes to my brother's at Samaritan Love Mission, and loaded on to the bus for Siem Riep. We arrived 12 hours later, had a quick dinner and shopping trip and hit the hay. We got up at 4:30 the next morning (ugh...) and booked it over to Ankor Wat to see the sun rise over the temples. Not going to lie, it was one of the most beautiful things I've seen. We ran around the temples for a few hours, and then went back to our guest house to pack up and head back to Phnom Penh. It was a short stay but definitely worth it!

Funny story (maybe most funny to me, so bear with me):
Last night I was exhausted from our long day at Ankor Wat and traveling. We went to our friend Lily's (delightful lady from India) appartment, but I was poor company because of my fatigue. So they sent me to bed. About an hour after I'd fallen asleep, I swore I heard Brianna trying to get into the room and for some reason thought she was locked out.
*Let's just pause for a moment for me to inform you that I sleep with a blindfold on and earplugs. Get that image in your head. Unpause. *
So straight from a dead sleep, I attempt to run across the room with my ear plugs falling out and my blindfold half on. Let's it be known that I am not very coordinated at the best of times, but just after I've woken up is probably what I'd be like if I was intoxicated. Half way to the door, while tipping over in all directions, I realized that Brianna was in the room quietly going through her bags and looking at me veeeery strangely. Oi. Back to bed for me. Even after I had laid down, I had to ask Brianna if that had actually happened, so out of it was I.

We're in Vietnam now. I will give you this bit of advice: if you intend on going to south east asia, go to Cambodia last because otherwise everywhere else is likely to be a let down (at least from my experiences). But, tomorrow we're off to the war remnants museum, and the zoo, and whatever other mischief we can get into.

I'm home in one week. Sigh. I think then I'll be homesick for another home.

Here are the links to all three, the last one being the most recent:


Jessica said...

Nice story! I think when you get home we should sew up some little night masks for ourselves.

Have an awesome last week traveling! Miss you.