Wednesday, October 28, 2009

nothing at all.

there's no one in my office.
my ipod is playing me a delightful play list.
i'm munching on a nanaimo bar.
i think nanaimo is probably spelt wrong.

really enjoying this moment of solitude. i have much to get organized over here, and am quite pleased to be able to do it. i get to see good friends tonight. i got to see a good friend an hour ago. it's gloomy outside and therefore cozy inside. i feel content.

i feel like i must be forgetting something major to do with the wedding, because i feel very little stress or anxiety about it. which is good. unless i truly am forgetting something.

things i currently need to make more time for:
- down time
- friends
- painting
- keeping my room clean

andrew and i did our engagement photos. i have no more useless things to write here, so i'll just put up some of my favorites.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

say "how long" forever.

my first one!
i went all by myself!
i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

colors seem to fade.

I need to take pictures again soon. I have kind of fallen off the wagon there. I want to use my film cameras again. I love them very much.

Here are some of the ones I like the most. I'm sorry if that is vain.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

a year ago...

andrew andrew andrew, blah blah blah.
get ready for some more.

current music playing at my desk: the first mix andrew made me.

a year ago andrew and i started to hang out a bit more. at one of our first hang outs, we exchanged mix cd's. i'm listening to the first one right now.

i remember putting it on in my mom's car before i started driving home. i remember listening to the very first song, and i remember feeling really confused. it was cold in my car and it was raining a bit. i was really afraid as i drove home. because i was getting invested, and i hadn't planned on it. the timing was wrong, and i didn't trust anything i felt anymore.

a year ago, i never would have guessed, that mix cd's and that boy would affect me the way they both did. he made me another one, a few weeks later, before i left for new york for a few days. that's all i listened to, for those few days. because i couldn't shake the fact that it couldn't have been conincidence that each song seemed to be oddly romantic and relevant. cheesy? maybe to everyone else. to me? perfect. a week later we started dating. a getting close year later... here i am.

i could not be happier.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

sea anemone.

i've been listening to jets to brazil a lot in the last few days, and it's perfect for fall, in my opinion.

anyways. andrew and i registered at home outfitters yesterday. we figured a registry should have one ridiculous item on it. so...


Thursday, October 1, 2009

stay up all night.

i have this overwhelming desire to post. but i couldn't think of something to write. now i have.

so enneagrams. they're numbered personality types. i can't say that i think they define people, but i think enough thought and research has been put into them to pretty accurately sum up a lot of people into the categories. i've been a "4" across the board. i laugh when i read the descriptions, because they're really true. i'm an "individualist".

Summary: " Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a "rescuer."

the more i get into reading them, the more i giggle. part of this personality type is that 4's have a hard time when they fit in too much, and like to be seen as something different. what makes me laugh about that, is that as i read about my personality type, i started getting annoyed that they could sum me up in a group with a bunch of other people (aka everyone else who is a 4). that thought right there kind of allowed me to realize that i was in the right category.

i think it was good to read about though. i personally do not read these to find my identity, or so that i can read a definition of myself. but i do read it to gain a bit of insight into what makes people in general tick, especially those who are not the same as me. i also think that it's helped me to see myself from a bit of an outside view, which in turn helps me to be more aware of what i do and why. which isn't bad.

anyways. that's all i have. cheers.