Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cambodia - Part 7.

Before I continue, let me just say it - we're fine. What a good way to start a post hey?

Brianna and I got into a motto accident today. Well, it was less like an accident and more like the avoidance of an accident, which resulted in our bailing onto the street. Basically someone in front of us went to turn so we started to accelerate but he slammed on his brakes and then so did Brianna, but it was too late so she turned sharply to avoid him and we lost our balance. I was sitting side saddle, like ladies do out here, and totally fell flat on my back with my legs in the air. Please feel free to laugh hard at that image. I know I do every time it comes to me... We were quite the spectacle - two foreign girls bailing on their motto and laughing really loudly (you've read about how they feel about that one...). Goooood times.

Other than some bruising and scrapes, I'm totally fine. Brianna pulled a muscle I think, but she is also okay. We were obviously a bit shaken up after, but we were very lucky that a pair of our brothers that we'd recently split up from were still close enough to hear it, see it, and then come to our aid. They kindly drove us home. Then proceeded to laugh at me every time they saw me for the next two hours. Sigh. Oh well.

This picutre is actually not from the accident, but it shows a nice bruise I aquired when making a tool out of myself on the beach. I tried to sit down in a chair but little did I realize how broken it was and I had a good solid fall on my butt, drawing even more attention to myself by laughing super loudly. Seems to be a pattern...

I have two days left here in Sihannoukville. It makes me sick to think of leaving, but hopefully God will give me the strength to do so. Fortunately I still have one week with Brianna traveling, so I'm very much looking forward to that. It'll just be hard to say goodbye to such beautiful people.

So long for now!


Kathy said...

Glad you're okay. Praying for you as you make your next transition and start travelling around Cambodia.