Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cambodia - Part 12.

How does one sum up a life changing experience?

It's so mind boggling to think that I'm already back.  It feels like so recently that I was counting down the MONTHS until I left, and now I sit here 12 hours after arriving home thinking about how it's already done and over.

The experiences from Cambodia are things that I'd like to think will stay with me for the rest of my life.  I think back on my time there and my heart actually physically feels warmth, love, and a longing to still be there.  

Highlights include:
+ Seeing Brianna for the first time in Phnom Penh
+ Our culturally inaprop bursts of laughter wherever we went together (they were particularly good and attention drawing when on a motto, just for the record).
+ The motto accident - hiiiilarious.
+ Teaching english to the young adult classes - very funny moments.
+ Beach and waterfall days and our night out with the boys
+ Learning more about not taking things for granted.  Not that I'm a pro, but it's refreshing to come to the realization that something as simple as laughter is a luxury.
+ Phone call with the Lee family on my last night

There's more, but I don't want to bore you.

Words just aren't cutting it.  But essentially, God blessed me enough for the rest of my life on this trip in safety, in joy, in humbling moments, and in all the many things I learned.  I hope that I have come back a better person, and a better servant to others.  I also hope.. that one day soon, I might be able to go back.


Jessica said...

Happy you're home, and happy you were able to have such wonderful experiences. You won't bore me--I love hearing your stories!