Saturday... that means... tomorrow is Sunday... that means... Monday I leave Sihannoukville and start travel week with Brianna.
We were originally supposed to leave today. That was too hard. So we said Sunday. That was too soon, so now we leave Monday for sure.
A lot has happened in the last 24 hours.
Our brother Chomreun's father passed away early this morning, from a motto accident. We went to his home to offer some support. First, the home was in an area that not many foreigners would ever go to, because it's pretty rough and the homes there are built over the water in such a way that the path leading to his house is plywood layed down realllllly sketch style. It was a bit nerve racking because I'm afraid of falling from things like that, but it was okay. Tomorrow is the funeral and I'm not sure what to expect. Although, I have been informed by Brianna that I should not wear black, but white, which she learned the hard way...

In the evening, Brianna and I went home to clean up and change, and got ourselves fancied up a little to go out for a nice meal and drive with Kong and Tiruit. It was really nice, because I'm used to going out in the evenings when I'm at home, and not being able to feels really strange. It was
great. I got to drive again!

Brianna has pink eye. She got it shortly after I got here, though it had nothing to do with me I'm sure, and it's been a frustrating haul trying to get rid of it. We've been putting eye drops in that she got from the clinic (and have dubbed said daily interactions as "dropping it like it's hot"), but today we had to get a bit more, and this weird ointment for her eye. We just put it in now, and I'm not going to ile, I don't envy her. Pray for quick healing!
Well, I may post tomorrow, but after that I'm not sure when I'll be able to be on itnernet until I get back home. So thanks for actually reading these, take care, and see you soon!
Thank you for the wonderful updates and details into what you and Bri are doing while you are with her. Please give her a big hug for me...(her big sister). Be safe on your upcoming travel to Vietnam.
No problem Samm! I've heard a lot about you, and be sure we'll probably meet in person sometimes next year when Brianna's at your place!!
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