Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Twenty one.

Today in class:

Setting - we are in a conflict res class, and we have just been given our scripts and parts for a role playing mediation circle exercise.  a guy in my class, known to make plenty of side comments and jokes is the offender, and i am supposed to be his sister.  he's a nice guy, pretty thin, likes halo and other video games as well as star wars... he's an interesting fellow.  Conversation goes as follows:

Me:  Oh look, I get to express my sisterly love for you.

Him:  I'm not going to lie, I wish it wasn't sisterly.



Joelle said...


It's that beautiful face of yours - gets you in trouble!

Dana said...

Awww...all he wanted was some Janessa-love. Poor guy.

All I could think about today was lines from the movie yesterday. My personal favorite was "SHHHHHEEP!" I still giggle a little...

Kara said...

That's awesome! You are a pretty likeable person - I don't blame him, but it's still funny.