Monday, March 24, 2008

Twenty nine.

I have summer on the brain.  Maybe it has much to do with my up and coming trip to Cambodia, or because I'm loving the spring time feelings (minus todays snow fall).  Here are some summer things I'm looking forward to:

+ sitting on the hood of a car and looking at stars
+ camping with friends
+ fishing. so pumped.
+ working with joelle, naturally
+ tanning
+ wearing dresses just because. it's a goal.
+ taking pictures
+ ice cream!
+ slurpees
+ road trip to ontario
+ sunglasses (provided i can get contacts)
+ bare feet every now and then
+ bathing suits and swimming fun in lakes
+ walking on a beach at night barefoot with rolled up jeans and a hoodie. one of my favorite things to do.

Wow.  Bring on SUMMER!


Dana said...

you people who actually look forward to bathing suit season disgust me...

Gaëtan said...

Wow, you just made me pine for summer like no one ever has. You also made me want to hang out with you. April-ish? After those horrid exams?

Kara said...

What an awesome list!

Joelle said...

Praying you will be blessed by all these things soon enough babe.