Friday, November 13, 2009

tangles out.

okay. so this week has been really busy. really really busy. i've worked 7:30-4:45 two days this week, and today was the only day that i came in at 9, which is the time i usually come in. my day off was fantastic, and so necessary. i would have had a melt down had it not been there. that said, work is great and i am liking it very much.

going back to minneapolis soon - time is flying by so fast! that is good. july could get it's but over here and i'd be pumped. but anyways, minneapolis. i am compiling a list of things i want to get. i'm trying to take out a lot of things in my wardrobe, and replacing them with nicer, but fewer, things.

-2 cardigans: one yellow, one navy blue.
-dresses. i want more casual dresses, that i can wear to work and around.
-tights - colored tights. enough said.
-dress pants - one black pair, straight leg and cute. one other pair, to be determined when i find them.
-a few tops.
-brown boots if i happen to find a steal of a deal. otherwise, boots is not on this list.

i look forward to shopping by myself, and doing christmas shopping. i'm REALLY excited to christmas shop. i've made up my list of things to buy people, and i have a real job this year so i can feel less anxiety about the whole thing! lovely.


Kara said...

I LOVE christmas shopping too. Enjoy. Coloured tights - I just bought 2 at stitches. They are buy 1 get 1 free. They have awesome colours too.

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

I know what you mean about being able to enjoy Christmas shopping now that I have a real job! I also don't feel quite as anxious about it now :)
I hope you have fun in Minneapolis, there's just something about Christmas shopping that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)