Thursday, November 26, 2009

between the fireflies.

sometimes i feel like i'm always being told what to do. and that i'm expected to always do that, whether it's what i actually wanted or not.

and i'll be honest, i'm having a hard time with it today. maybe not every day. but today. i'm not really the most assertive person ever. i offer what i need to offer when someone needs it or asks for it. the people in your life should speak up on things when they care about you. but maybe not all things?

giving people the benefit of the doubt, i can say that it's probably always done in love, or just in passing and not much thought is necessarily placed on the delivery. i feel like my passiveness has caged me, and i am to blame. i need to learn to say "no, i disagree" or "that works for you, but i shall do things this way".

i'm okay with making mistakes. really, i am.