Monday, January 26, 2009


i got my wisdom teeth out on friday.

it was pretty entertaining. i learned that when i'm coming off of anesthetics, i get both chatty and giggly. this did not bode well for the amount of gauze that was in my mouth. i giggled the whole way home. even when i was off the drugs, i thought my face looked pretty funny and took a bunch of pictures. like this one.

(do feel free to chuckle to yourself. that's the only reason i post ridiculous pictures of myself on here or facebook)

but... now it's four days later. and it still is swollen. and i don't feel very pretty at all. and i want my thinner face back. and i need to not be a jaw clencher in my sleep because i wake up with pain as a result. so please face... shrink and feel nice soon okay?


kerri said...

you're amazing, and the picture made me smile.

i hope you feel better uber soon.


Jessica said...

such a brave lady! hope your face shrinks quickly--it's no fun feeling un-pretty!