Tuesday, June 8, 2010

dark blue, dark blue.

there are 26 days until i am to be wed.

i have found that i am feeling less and less stressed as time goes on. things that i thought mattered a lot, are mattering much less.

this weekend i feel quite ill, and consequently lost a rather significant number of pounds. that is okay though, as my dress fitting is in 6 days and losing weight that fast means gaining it usually isn't terribly difficult. i (re)learned that i have a marvelous family, fiance, and set of friends. andrew stuck by me all weekend and was so willing to make me jello and homemade grandma soup and refill my gingerale cup. my friends ashli & kate came over and brought me soup and more gingerale (i drank a lot of that stuff) and did all our dishes. my family called me every day to see how i was doing.

i was able to recover in time for two important events: a friends wedding on saturday evening, and my wedding shower on sunday!

saturday was pushing it a little little bit, but andrew and i made it out to winkler and back with no incidents (aka me needing him to pull over while i barfed on the side of the road). my friend sonya and i have been talking about our upcoming weddings for months and months now, and after all that, missing her wedding would have been devastating to me. it was gorgeous.

the wedding shower was absolutely delightful also! it was my very first traditional kind of wedding shower, and i liked it. it was a room full of really important ladies in my life, who overwhelmed me with love and generosity. my sister (and mom) put so much work into it, and it was just perfect.

so, with that, i get myself back to work. i am happy.


Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you....;)
It was nice to see you this weekend at the wedding!! Hope you're starting to feel better my dear :)