Wednesday, May 26, 2010

put your hand to your forehead and let your knees buckle.

i think that perhaps i should stop looking at Green Wedding Shoes and Oncewed because i'm finding that i'm feeling a little bit of paranoia about how my wedding will look. these weddings look so incredible, and while i have a lot of ideas, a lot of small details that will be going into it, sometimes i wonder what it'll all look like together, and if it's actually going to be truly hideous...

and downward spins my thought process. the thing is, rationally, i know that while these weddings probably all look incredible, a huge amount of credit goes to the photographers who make it look extra amazing and bring out the little details. therefore, my wedding may look just like one of those, but because of my photographer (and cousin).

it will be okay!

that said, here are some of the different elements going into it, in photo form:

paper rosettes:

mason jar centerpieces (some will have flowers):

handmade triangle lanterns with our names on them:
i made felted bird cake toppers. these are not them. mine look... not as perfect. but i like them!
hand fan favors:

our guest book will be a scrapbook of pictures, people will pose in frames and sign beside where their picture will go. we have two big gold frames.

and so on. i feel better.


Kara said...

I love the lanterns and the idea of the guestbook. very cool. I can't wait to see pictures of the big day and how things all came together.

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

:O Paper lanterns!! I LOVE paper lanterns. SO PRETTY! Plus, really great idea with the guest book! I always think the written one is lame...that will be way more fun to go through and look at :D

wedding cakes said...

lol, nice, i like your idea.

heather. said...

I know JUST how you feel!
I spend so much time looking at wedding sites and blogs, only to step back and say "does all this even go together anymore?". It's hard, I need like 5 weddings, but barely have a budget for even one!
The things you have picked on here go well together though, so kudos to you :) I, too, love the paper rosettes and want to do a lot of things with paper in my wedding... and peacock feathers...and mason jars...a diy photobooth...

i have faith it will all come together. for both of us :)

heather. said...

okay, apparently that post was old (I stumbbled apon it via a google image search...)
it appears you are already married :)
i suppose i should glace at dates every now and then :)