Monday, September 28, 2009

pet peeves. part 1.

escalator pet peeves.

1. when someone forgets they have a large backpack, and decides that it's a good idea to turn from side to side for whatever purpose.

2. conversations that happen either at the bottom or top of the escalator, so that those wanting to get on or off have a bit of a harder time.

3. up the down or down the up. funny when there is no one on the escalator. plain stupid when there are.

4. not understanding the stagger method. when there are people coming from either side to get on the escalator, you stagger sides, so that it's even. you don't just jump in because you feel your side superior.

5. and finally, the most annoying of them all: stopping and/or slowing down when getting off the escalator. this is particularly irritating when it's really busy. they're moving stairs people. they don't stop when you decide to.


kerri said...


It drives me CRAZY. I think they ought to give people Escalator Etiquette classes.
If you wanna get where you're going, just walk down the darn thing, and you'll get there faster.

kate said...

hey lady! i didn't know you blogged. you winnipeg peeps should try the walk left, stand right method. it's magic!!!

Carolyn said...

My escalator peeve...watching little boys (or not so little--some of whom I might be related to) try all sorts of dangerous experiments on them to see how many ways they can have fun on an escalator.