Wednesday, September 9, 2009

today part two.

i was thinking about love today. i think i grew up (probably like many others) with a very fairy tale idea of love. so this is what life has ACTUALLY taught me about the four letter loaded word. humorous and not so humorous.

love is..

- working on a reading list throughout november and december so that when football playoffs come in january you have lots to do while you enjoy the company of someone who really loves football when you don't

- singing back up for each other during your "across the universe" sing-a-longs

- having one of you say the phrase "wiggle room" and you both proceed to spontaneously... wiggle.

- making ridiculous faces at a camera together

- laughing together. a lot.

- someone hugging you and you can tell that how hard they're holding you is as much as they want you to feel that they love you, or that they're sad you're sad, or that they're happy you're happy. and it's knowing that when you hug them you're trying to convey the same message.

- wracking your brain for things you can do for the other person just so you can see them smile and know it was you who made it happen

- deciding that what's more important than having your way is having something that works for you both

finally... love is realizing that part of who you are exists in someone else, and never wanting that to go away.


Dana said...

I love this. It makes my heart ache with happiness (and...a little bit of longing but that's ok:)

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

This makes me think of that website link you sent me on fbook :) So cool. Also, I love the colors you picked for your wedding :) Fun and summery!

Joelle said...

that was beautiful.