Monday, March 15, 2010

growing up.

today, i just wish i could talk to my mom. growing up is such a relative term, i've decided. i think i will always just want her opinion on things as i go along. she's in kingston right now so alas, i cannot talk to her, but that is okay.

i'm sitting on my coffee break at work, with a lot on my mind. i have a lot to process right now, and very little time to do so. work continues to be busy and will be busy right until the last day of this month. april will be a sigh of relief for me. a time to reconnect with friends, to go to bed early, and to not do over time. also, it will be kicking into high gear for wedding plans time.

the future is a mystery to me. it is good that way, but sometimes i do not like it. i'm seeking the balance of what i love and what i can do for a job. i have new thoughts on that. my brain feels full.


Kara said...

Thinking and praying for you Janessa as you navigate through some unknowns and as you plan for the wedding and your future. I hope that you experience a peace that is beyond what you can imagine.

By the way - love the pictures of you and your mom. She always is so prim and proper - I'm seeing a new side of her and I LOVE it.