Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bad wedding dream #3.

I had a dream last night that my shoes were awfully wrong and it was too close to our wedding to do anything about them. I dreamed that the nice yellow patterned shoes I've bought and keep on forgetting to get from Joelle so I can try them on and see them in real life, were actually not patterned at all.

They ended up being just canvasy kind of wedge shoes that were in a gross brown beige instead of yellow, and that the patterns were STICK ON's.

Seriously. Like stickers. Decorate your own shoes stickers. But they looked terrible and I ended up crying all over the place.

These dreams are HILARIOUS. Yet another perk to getting married. Being able to chuckle at what your sub conscious picks on.


Joelle said...

ack! Sweetie! we need to get you your shoes. I love them.

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

Haha. Oh I know these dreams for sure. So silly!