escalator pet peeves.
1. when someone forgets they have a large backpack, and decides that it's a good idea to turn from side to side for whatever purpose.
2. conversations that happen either at the bottom or top of the escalator, so that those wanting to get on or off have a bit of a harder time.
3. up the down or down the up. funny when there is no one on the escalator. plain stupid when there are.
4. not understanding the stagger method. when there are people coming from either side to get on the escalator, you stagger sides, so that it's even. you don't just jump in because you feel your side superior.
5. and finally, the most annoying of them all: stopping and/or slowing down when getting off the escalator. this is particularly irritating when it's really busy. they're moving stairs people. they don't stop when you decide to.
Monday, September 28, 2009
pet peeves. part 1.
Posted by Janessa at 12:24 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
fortunate fiction.
dreaming is so strange.
last night i had so many. i only remember a couple. but i also remember waking up a lot last night, each time right out of a strange dream. here are the two that i can recall.
1. someone i'd once dated bought me a gift and i got really upset, and yelled and told them they had no right to anymore, because i was engaged. weird.
2. weirder. i had to go to the bathroom very badly. i really needed to pee, and so i was trying very hard, but for some reason could not. could have had something to do with the fact that there were a bunch of ladies in the room (it was a living room with a toilet on the couch..) coaching me, and i was scared and frustrated. so i told them i didn't have to go anymore. then they started watching "i know what you did last summer", but the killer was an alien. so i snuck out to the legit bathroom and tried to pee. then i woke up. and realized i really had to pee. glad i was so bad at it in my dream...
i wonder if it was something i ate? i haven' t had dreams like that in ages.
Posted by Janessa at 9:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
autumn's here.
fall is here, fall is here. i'm so very happy about it! i'm glad we had our bit of sunny and hot weather (and it's not all gone yet), but i just love when the air gets crisp, the leaves change and fall, and boots and jackets start coming out! how wonderful.
this weekend was marvelous. i don't get vacation, because i'm in a term, so it's nice when i can take a day off added to a weekend and take off somewhere! here are some highlights.

after hanging out in rochester, we drove into minneapolis and went to a twins game! i'm not crazy about baseball, but it was a good time and andrew & doug had a lot of fun!

Posted by Janessa at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
tell the world.
today at work, i went to the bathroom. it's a public washroom, as it's in the university. it's the closest to my office and so i've seen it often. over the spring and summer, there wasn't much writing on the walls. but i guess now that school has started, so will the writing. today i looked into the stall and all i could see was...
really? that struck me as so odd. because, if you're going to write on a wall (which i do not condone), why would that be your choice? then i thought about our ability to express ourselves. and why, when we have a marker and a place to write where everyone could see, do we chose to write what we do? why write something like "playboy" and not something like "you are loved" or "i hope you find a reason to smile every day".
i don't know. so here we are. on my blog, which will take the place of my bathroom stall wall, and i just want to say:
you are loved. and i do hope that you find a reason to smile every day. and i think you should know that everyone has bad days but there are always good ones that come after and they are worth the wait. and i think we should all close our eyes and feel the sun shine on us on sunny days, and let that make our heart feel happy. and if you felt sad and needed someone to talk to, that it wouldn't really matter who you were, that i'd very much like to talk to you if you wanted to, or needed to.
that's all.
Posted by Janessa at 3:25 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
today part two.
i was thinking about love today. i think i grew up (probably like many others) with a very fairy tale idea of love. so this is what life has ACTUALLY taught me about the four letter loaded word. humorous and not so humorous.
love is..
- working on a reading list throughout november and december so that when football playoffs come in january you have lots to do while you enjoy the company of someone who really loves football when you don't
- singing back up for each other during your "across the universe" sing-a-longs
- having one of you say the phrase "wiggle room" and you both proceed to spontaneously... wiggle.
- making ridiculous faces at a camera together
- laughing together. a lot.
- someone hugging you and you can tell that how hard they're holding you is as much as they want you to feel that they love you, or that they're sad you're sad, or that they're happy you're happy. and it's knowing that when you hug them you're trying to convey the same message.
- wracking your brain for things you can do for the other person just so you can see them smile and know it was you who made it happen
- deciding that what's more important than having your way is having something that works for you both
finally... love is realizing that part of who you are exists in someone else, and never wanting that to go away.
Posted by Janessa at 12:07 PM 3 comments
back to school, back to school.
first day back at school! for everyone else.
it's kind of strange walking past everyone getting ready for their classes as i walk to my office.
sorry if it's tiresome for me to talk about it. i think about it a lot right now (naturally).
we've had an interesting time getting a reception venue. as a result, we might be getting married on july 4th, 2010 (as opposed to the 3rd). independence day wedding. it'll be easy to remember!
i've picked out my colors (finally). which are green and yellow. it'll be summery and fun! i'm going to be making a tonne of stuff by hand, which i'm really excited about. once we have our big stuff out of the way, i can just casually make decorations, place cards (at least the layout), maybe invitations (maybe), and centrepieces! i love getting all crafty.
i found this diy pattern thing for paper lanterns. i'd like ones with thinner paper, so little battery tealights can be shining inside, but if that's too hard i'm fine with this!
Posted by Janessa at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
so i redid my blog design, and sometimes i just want to stare at it because the colors make me so happy.
fun facts about me right now:
1. i think i've developed a crush on spock from 1st generation star trek (maybe the new movie one too). most people go for the shatner, not this girl. am i the hugest dork ever? possibly.
2. i ran for the first time since the half marathon. i was proud. i could have gone back to bed. but i knew it would be nice and cool and smell wonderful outside and i coaxed myself out of bed. good choice.3. two weeks until minneapolis round one to visit andrew's (and my) friend doug. i need to find: boots, a fall coat, work dresses/skirts, work tops, a black cardigan, and other such things. i like these boots here. i'm a fan of the mid length boot.
4. andrew & i will be doing engagement photos in the fall with all the lovely colors and i'm very much looking forward to it. it'll be really fun!!!
5. i think i'm developing a bit of a backbone. which is nice. empathy is one of my strongest characterstics. its' a blessing and a curse though. because i care about people a lot. which is good. but sometimes i care about them more than me, to the point where i'm at fault for things they did. which is not good. more and more lately i've been able to step back and realize that i don't need to deal with some things, or somtimes that i do, but not in a way that makes me feel like i'm responsible for things i'm not. it's kind of nice. i can really credit it almost 100% to andrew. because we are quite opposite in some of our views, but it balances well. so he's got the logic and i've got the empathy, and you put it together and you have a very understanding and logical couple. haha.
6. this weekend is going to be really good. i will spend lots of time outside in the sun, i will go to the beach with jess maybe, and i will get lots of time with andrew.
Posted by Janessa at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
someday you will.
okay. so heidi is my hero, and send me the link to this wedding blog:
it's amazing.
here are some of my greatest loves thus far. some i'm keeping to myself. i like allowing some things to be surprising...
i thought these were pretty neat:i also really never liked the idea of indoor pictures, but then found some really awesome ones. so i think i have to figure out a rain plan, just in case, but i'm not sad about that anymore which is nice. i didn't want to feel sad about indoor pictures, but i couldn't help it. thank you blog.
i also saw this. if i was getting married outside, i think i might want to have my bridesmaids wear these. i think i want a pair of cowboy boots now. i didn't before. but they're SO cute with dresses.

fun fun fun ideas. i love just looking. and dreaming up a wedding that will suit me and andrew.
Posted by Janessa at 10:36 AM 3 comments