So Andrew and I have been doing some "home improvements", apartment style. We can't nail anything to our walls, so we've been using adhesive strips to get our pictures up etc. We also have a lot of organizing that needs doing.
Here are some of the things we've been up to:
1. Space saver!
These marvellous inventions were brought to my attention by my new mom (Andrew's mom)
as an awesome way to use the little space you get. It goes right over the toilet and has so much room! We got this one on sale at Canadian tire.

2. Wall paper frames! I bought some wall paper that we'll be using for the about to be mentioned project, as well asa few more to come. I bought three frames on sale that were the same size, and spray painted the nicks/notmatching colors into a matte black. It turned out great! Then I put the wall paper inside, being sure to match the paper's pattern to where each frame was to go.

I really like the framed wall paper! That's a cool idea! Also, you with tools looks crazy fun and awesome :D
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