Posted by Janessa at 5:54 PM 1 comments
this is a post about how being married to andrew is wonderful and hilarious.
a few nights ago, i woke up in the middle of the night, because andrew was on my side of the bed. now, that's not particularly upsetting to me, especially when i'm super sleepy.
one thing you should know about me is that my super sleepy self is an odd combo of: really out of it and therefore rather unintelligent, doesn't see unintelligence as a barrier and likes to use big words to articulate rather simple thoughts that seem complicated when having just been awakened. but i digress.
so then what happens, is that andrew slips his arm slowly under my pillow. i thus conclude that he's wanting middle of the night cuddles.
"how nice" i think to myself.
except it dawns on me that the other arm isn't necessarily wrapped around me as is usually expected. so i turn over to investigate.
BAM. insert andrew's face super close to me here.
confused, i look around and three things are realized:
1. somehow andrew's pillow is sitting on top of the covers, right around where my butt is.
2. because andrew's pillow is where it is, his close proximity is due to the fact that he is, in fact, now trying to steal MY pillow.
3. he's absolutely unconscious.
so i proceed to pick up his pillow, and somewhat roughly put it where it should be. the somewhat roughness was intentional, hoping he'd wake up a little and realize how much of my turf he's on and go back to his own darn pillow. i don't know if it happened all that quickly, because i promptly fell asleep but when i woke next, he had moved.
since then i've thought about his sub conscious pillow stealing and i giggle every time. sneaky andrew...
Posted by Janessa at 10:18 AM 1 comments
Posted by Janessa at 11:43 PM 1 comments
Posted by Janessa at 9:17 AM 3 comments
things i have been doing lately...
listening to the following albums:
- high violet - the national
- versicolour - aidan knight
- in a quiet world - we are the city
- islands disappear - said the whale
i saw the last three in concert last weekend. correction, i saw the first two of the last three in concert last weekend, because i had to get driven home to go to bed by the time said the whale came on. i was in a wedding the day before and was just pooped. poooooped. BUT seeing aidan knight was my favorite part. he wrote a song about knitting and i loved it. he dedicated it to me. aka to the knitters in the audience. he also had a beautiful voice and i'm happy he played.
i will be posting pictures from the wedding once i'm done editing them. the photographer wasn't there during the girls getting ready time, so i took it upon myself to take some photos and push myself to be better at a specific type of photography. so we'll see how that goes.
recently i began reading a new series. it's sci fi and nerdy and SO GOOD. i read "ender's game" by orson scott card (yes heidi, my equally nerdy significant other lent them to me too!), and am now reading the sequel (or one of the sequels) "speaker for the dead". i love books that i can launch myself into, that make me want to do nothing else.
over the course of this summer i have had my own wedding, and soon after my friend's wedding which i was in. as a result, relaxing and recreational time was not very much partaken of. that changed this weekend. i was able to swim in a pool (magnifique!) and go to the beach all in one weekend. i couldn't have been happier.
i love summer. i love being married. i love reading. i love good friends.
Posted by Janessa at 2:21 PM 2 comments