Thursday, October 8, 2009

a year ago...

andrew andrew andrew, blah blah blah.
get ready for some more.

current music playing at my desk: the first mix andrew made me.

a year ago andrew and i started to hang out a bit more. at one of our first hang outs, we exchanged mix cd's. i'm listening to the first one right now.

i remember putting it on in my mom's car before i started driving home. i remember listening to the very first song, and i remember feeling really confused. it was cold in my car and it was raining a bit. i was really afraid as i drove home. because i was getting invested, and i hadn't planned on it. the timing was wrong, and i didn't trust anything i felt anymore.

a year ago, i never would have guessed, that mix cd's and that boy would affect me the way they both did. he made me another one, a few weeks later, before i left for new york for a few days. that's all i listened to, for those few days. because i couldn't shake the fact that it couldn't have been conincidence that each song seemed to be oddly romantic and relevant. cheesy? maybe to everyone else. to me? perfect. a week later we started dating. a getting close year later... here i am.

i could not be happier.


kate said...

One heck of a beautiful and crazy year behind you and another to come and then another and then another ... love.
