in grade six i half jokingly, half seriously, asked a friend to get me a bird for my birthday.

when he got to my birthday party, he handed me a box with holes in it.
not thinking, i said thanks and just roughly put it down on the table.
he and my parents told me to look at the box again.
i realized what it was, and opened it up to fin
d the most beautiful blue budgie i'd ever seen inside. he was scared and small. his wings were short because they'd been clipped. he was mine.
i named him luke skywalker. that soon was shortened to sky.
nine years and a month later, brings us to last night.
when i came home from youth, checked on him and found him laying at the bottom of the cage.
i dropped my stuff and held him and cried so hard on the floor of our kitchen, jacket still on for a long time.
it's stupid to some because he's a bird.
but i used to study with him.
and he used to fly around the house and land on me.
he made such noise when i was watching a movie or on the phone and it was annoying at the time.
it wouldn't be annoying anymore.

Sorry to hear about luke. rip little buddy.
He was a delight to live with for (me) 7's not stupid because it's a bird. He was you pet and so he was special.
I'm sorry about your bird. Losing pets is hard.
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I like it that people will read again now that I will be blogging again. What fun.
Sorry to hear about your bird Janessa. I had only met him a couple of times, but he seemed rather delightful.
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