Friday, December 21, 2007



I recently wrote and organized a small short skit with the jr youth that went at the end of our church's children's christmas pageant.

I was supposed to write one about "Christmas from today's prespective".  It was kind of hard for me because I mostly wanted to start bashing consumer culture.  Then I remembered, that's not what I'm here to talk about and it's not appropriate for me to just bash things, things that I still struggle with.  Yikes Janessa.

So we put on a cute little drama that touched on how Jesus has been a bit removed from Christmas, and how he's really the "reason for the season".  I've been forcing myself to rethink this idea over and over, because I find myself straying into wanting things or feeling stressed out.  but what place does my stress and my selfishness have in a celebration of the ultimate gift that Jesus offered in himself when he came here?


On another note, Jess and mom and I went to Fargo from monday to wednesday.  It was just a really lovely time.  We ate out and enjoyed each others company, we shopped and laughed and watched the Mummy (as I snagged a trilogy box set.  probably the only person to buy it ever).

It was super fun.  I'd post pictures, but I seem to be having difficulties.  But the point is, it was awesome!  I like family!