some of the best things ever.
1. andrew. kind of a given.
2. thrift store jeans that fit you perfectly, but not your three best friends also.
3. waking up early to the sun. not because it's early, but because it's the sun.
4. putting my wedding together, and making it my own.
5. "the old house" - matt epp. my sister showed it to me for wedding purposes. it will get used.
6. watching episode after episode of star trek. i don't care how nerdy that sounds. it's so good.
7. a clean, somewhat put together, room.
8. mike and meghan being married.
9. making plans to paint again.
10. andrew. again. because he's the one i'm going to marry. i can't say that to myself and NOT get butterflies.
Monday, August 31, 2009
your heart, my home.
Posted by Janessa at 11:41 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
the luckiest.
now i know all the wrong turns and stumbles and falls brought me here.
and where was I before the day
that I first saw your lovely face?
now I see it everyday
and I know
that I am, I am, I am
the luckiest
what if I'd been born fifty years before you
in a house on a street where you lived?
maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
would I know?
and in a white sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
and I know
that I am, I am, I am
the luckiest
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you
next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
and one day passed away in his sleep
and his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
and passed away
I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
that I know
that I am, I am, I am
the luckiest

Posted by Janessa at 9:14 AM 5 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
one thing that i adore.
current loveliest things.
- listening to "a girl like you" by pete yorn
- talking until almost 1 am with jill in our room
- new hair cuts
- feeling free and independent
- looking forward to a lovely evening out with andrew to the forks, & my favorite restaurant
- breakfast dates
- re-reading a book that completely captures my attention
- peach pie
- hugs from my dad
- being able to walk to see jess & jon
- future type things
- being able to walk to and from work
- trips coming up to minneapolis. i love planning for trips.
Posted by Janessa at 9:54 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
love & interruption.
it feels so good to accomplish something you set out to do. seriously.i moved out, finally. it feels good! i'm sharing a room, and from what i've seen so far, it's going to be a really good time - we don't' seem to wake up to each other in the night or morning. bonus.
i bought a rolling rack to compensate for my lack of closet, and ashli came over and helped me x1 000 000 and all my clothes are hung up and in the drawers, and my half of the room is looking like a room! for the record, was VERY excited about the rolling rack.
andrew came over the other night and we just sat against my headboard on my bed with my laptop and watched and episode of bbc's robin hood. it's so good. it was just nice and relaxing and made my home so much more like home.
speaking of him. nine months! yay! i've never been happier. he is simply the most wonderfulest.
Posted by Janessa at 9:50 AM 1 comments