Monday, November 24, 2008

Sixty one.

Okay. So I think we spend a lot of time thinking of things that we don't like about ourselves. I don't like this. There hasn't been a person in this world that I've met that I can't see something beautiful in. It's true.

We find what we're looking for. When we have bad days, they often seem to get worse and worse, because we stop looking for beautiful things around us. We limit our sight. But when we consciously think to look for beauty, we will find it. I think that everyone should find bit of their beauty. To look for it every now and then.

So here's something about me that I like.
I really try hard to take notice of things that are easy to overlook, and look for moments in the day that are very small, but are big to me because no one else notices or sees them. Here come examples:

-I like how every time I use a hand blow dryer, I get frustrated at first with how my hands never ever seem to be drying. But there always comes that point where you suddenly notice that they're pretty much done. It's an instant shift. It never seems gradual. It's exciting.

-I love to kick slush off of mud flaps. It's so satisfying.

-I like watching people on the bus. I like seeing them smile to themselves, and hope it's because something in their life is lovely.

-I like to pray for people I see on the street, or at university. Sometimes when I see a girl crying alone, I pray for her and wonder how many people are doing that for me and I don't know it. It's kind of neat. I like that they don't know.

-I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure from listening to a song that fits my mood or thoughts perfectly. It makes me feel connected to bigger things than just myself.

-When I get an outfit just right, I feel really pretty and awesome.

-Cuddling and hand holding are wonderful and make me feel warm inside.

-When one of my jr youth girls calls me about something that's going on in her life, I feel complete. Like I'm doing something right.

-When we have our Christmas tree up, sometimes I'll get out of bed late at night with a blanket and lay on the floor beside it looking up at the lights. It's so beautiful.

-I like it when my brother and I have good conversations.

-...There's so much more I wish I could put down. But this will do for now.

Oh beautiful world. I love you.


Jessica said...

Good stuff.

One time, when I was having feeling quite low, I looked at Capo (anyone not knowing, he's my guinea pig) and he looked at me with a blank stare, then ate one of his poops. It made me laugh out loud and was definitely a [strangely] beautiful moment amidst a low point.

Your attitude, thoughts, and reflections are beautiful Janess.

Kara said...

Those are some pretty beautiful things about you! I quite enjoyed reading those examples. Thanks for sharing them.

May you continue to notice the little "God Moments" in your day because they are indeed what make life beautiful and refreshing!

Dana said...

I love you. Just for the record.

Also, your word verification on this thing wants me to write "whistses." Again, just for the record.