Sunday, August 12, 2012

thoughts on what we think we have.

sometimes i think that i have problems. then i read about a friend (that i got to know when he moved into a house that i hung out at a lot and have not really kept up with much since) who has been given 6 weeks to live. i read about this on his wife's blog and that's when i realize that 99% of the time that i use the word "problem" it's really not the right word at all.

so i'm sitting here thinking about the legacies we leave behind. even as someone who is far removed from this friend's life at this point, i have good and clear memories. like how i've never enjoyed watching "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe" so much as when i watched it with him, because we could talk all day long about the differences between the movie and the book and analyze it without anyone complaining about how annoying that is (because face it, if it's not you in that conversation it's extremely irritating). or how i played settlers of catan with him and another roommate of that household while drinking tea. simple memories that have stuck with me.

so what am i making my life worth? what memories will i leave? i expect that i will be thinking long into the night tonight.