Thursday, April 7, 2011

sewing project the first.

andrew's mom gave me a sewing machine
(the kind that's attached to a table).
this gift was met with much excitement and magical plans.

fast forward many months.

i have not done a single thing on with the sewing machine.
but you can only put off magic plans for so long.

so i bought a pattern.
and i also bought some awesome mustardy yellow/gold fabric.

while it resides on my head in this photo,
it will really become a skirt, i swear.
the same as the one the girl is wearing.
minus ugly fabric, plus awesome fabric.

i'm starting this today!


Heidi-and-Seek said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That looks SO CUTE!!! let me know how it goes! I suck at making patterns! Okay I haven't really tried except for one which was way over my head, so I should probably give it another go, but this looks ADORABLE!! :)