it's quarter to one o'clock. i have been here (work) since nine. i have a little over seven hours left in my work day, and therefore really need to shake how crappy i'm feeling right now. don't know what it is. just want to cry, and then sleep, and then be given a reason to feel really nice.
that was all i had to say. i just needed somewhere to say it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
storm cloud, over my head.
Posted by Janessa at 12:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
you, or your memory.
the next few weeks are going to be pure madness. like, really insane. i can barely keep up right now. work is incredibly busy, because the fiscal year is ending. that means more evening presentations. it's really good for our program. really hectic for life.
i leave for ottawa in one week and two days. i can't believe how fast that came up. i'm meeting an old friend on the saturday that i leave, for breakfast, and i'm really looking forward to that.
weddingy things are getting busier and busier. so much to decide on! i think i need to take a day off soon just to focus on wedding stuff and keeping myself organized and sane. i'm feeling like i'm all over the place! but it's okay.
andrew and i went furniture shopping this week and weekend, and it was delightful. we have found a lot to think about. this is one of those things:i think it's super lovely. i like the buttons a lot!
time is flying. things are all happening so fast, and it's wonderful and scary all at the same time. i'm so excited for my wedding, i'm so excited for finding an apartment and furnishing it, and for seeing wonderful friends get married this summer too, and so on. i just want to make sure i enjoy everything right NOW just as much as i look forward to what will be. but it almost feels like enjoying the present means enjoying the past, as things are just going by so quickly!
Posted by Janessa at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
bird's eye.
i wish we had the ability to step outside of ourselves at the end of every day, and go through a speedy version of what we were like that day for review. perhaps while watching that review, we could get a clear view of our intentions and motives behind every action and decision and see ourselves for what we really are. good and bad. i wonder how much that would change.
Posted by Janessa at 3:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
tag, you're it.
Alright. SO, Heidi tagged me to do this 7 things you don't know about me thing. I'll do my best to make this interesting.
1. I told this story for the first time in years this weekend, so I'll say it here - one time I witnessed a bit of a brawl in a record store. The owner had to ask a man to leave, as he had been violent on his last trip into this downtown shop, and the man's response was to take a swing at him. The very large man was hella agile and dodged it, and then forced the man out of the shop. It was epic. Then we continued talking about Bette Midler & record players.
2. I got straight 60's in pre-cal math in grade 10, except in the Trigonometry section. I got 95% on the unit test. Apparently I understand triangles.
3. I live with four roommates, and share my room with one of them. It's the best ever. People warned us that we'd stop being friends because of it, but both of us have determined that when we both get married this summer, we'll be going through each other withdrawal.
4. When I told Andrew I loved him I was really scared and crying a little and shaking, and couldn't just spit it out for the life of me, and I think I almost made him believe I was breaking up with him, because these are all the symptoms of girl trying to break up with someone. Ugh. I'm awful.
5. Facebook's latest "make your profile picture as someone you've been told you look like" thing recently reminded me that I have not been told I look like any celebrities, but I have been compared to a chipmunk. So I almost made a chipmunk my picture, but then didn't.
6. The places I'd like to travel to:
- Turkey, Israel, Egypt
- Europe
- New Zealand & Australia
- Japan
- Central America (all over!)
- Iceland
- South Africa
I think I won't tag anyone, because I'm pretty sure not many people really read my blog. But there you have it. Seven things. About me.
Posted by Janessa at 10:28 AM 5 comments