Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Forty six.

I love taking the bus. I enjoy the convenience of a car, but there's something about how the bus slows you down. You can read, which you cannot do (and I hope you don't) while operating your own vehicle. You can think and get distracted, which you can also no do in your car. The list could go on.

I was reading on the bus today. Here are some beautiful quotes that inspired me. You may go ahead and read them and be inspired.

"And so, because the story of Christmas is part of our folklore (we might almost say), we pay more attention to its recognizableness than to the fact that the tiny baby in the manger contained the power which created the galazies and set the stars in their courses."

"...he (Jesus) did not spend time looking for the most qualified people, the most adult. Instead, he chose people who were still childlike enough to leave the known comforts of the daily world, the security of their jobs, their reasonable way of life, to follow him."

-Madeline L'engle
"Walking on Water: Reflections on faith and art"

I love the bus.


Jessica said...

I'm taking the bus to Toronto tomorrow! I love it too (sometimes) and Madeleine L'Engle, and Jesus. Thanks for the inspiration.

Kara said...

I'm loving those words! Thanks for reminding me to slow down. Hope you have a great week. I keep driving by you on Corydon - I want to honk and wave, but I'm worried you won't know its me. Next time someone honks at you in a silver car, it's me, so wave back :)