Thursday, January 17, 2008


Kids say the darndest things.

For instance, the other day at the after school program I volunteer at, the following lovely things were said.

Little girl: Did you get a haircut?

Me: Why yes I did.

Little girl: I like your old one better.

Me: Um, thank you?

Little girl: No offense, but I don't even like this one. (Then proceeds to repeat that three times)

Me: I think I get your drift.

or this one...

Other little girl: Why do you have pimples all over your face?

Oh geeze. Thanks ladies.

Or like my brother who claims that from the side my face looks like a flat screen tv. Ahaha. Truly these are all very funny because they are kids. But in that case, I wish to take back my theory that kids just say what adults are to afraid to. Because I'd like to have some self-esteem left at the end of this week. Oh children.

Every now and then I find reason to miss certain awesome things from the past. It's usually from Outtatown, which even after 3 years I still talk about like I just left. Here's a picture because they're fun in posts, but also because right now I'm missing the ugliest dog you've ever seen, who captured my heart in guatemala and I affectionatley nicknamed... "Ratface" (no seriously, it was affectionate).


Dana said...

Thank you Janessa. That verse you left was wonderful and very fitting. I am feeling a bit better about that, just trusting that God can heal the hurt. It just feels like things are a mess right now. Anyways, I'd absolutely love to go for coffee with you. Let's make it happen!

Jessica said...

Ah, yes, the joys of children! I had a grade 6 boy ask me why I cut my hair, too...although he didn't say he didn't like it over and over. Also, to relate to your story of the other little girl: jon's little cousin asked me was sitting on my lap this summer and pointed out about three zits on my face and said she had lots mosquito bites too...haha.