-garlic parmesan chicken
-rosemary roasted potatoes
-corn on the cob

Posted by Janessa at 10:57 PM 1 comments
so just when i thought andrew's subconscious pillow stealing days were over...
one night last week andrew was particularly fitful in his sleep. he was moving all over the place and i was woken up several times. most of these times i was annoyed, but there was one particular wake up that i just couldn't NOT find funny.
there i was, sleeping peacefully when very quickly i wake up to my pillow literally being taken out from under my head. i figured that andrew lost his pillow again and turned around to find it for him. but alas, when i turned around there he was... pulling my pillow ON TO his own which he still had. apparently andrew's subconscious requires not one, but two pillows.
Posted by Janessa at 11:02 AM 1 comments